Friday, August 10, 2007

In Dein Leben/In Your Life

Für mich bist Du das Sonnenlicht
Hältst mich in meiner Kälte warm
Doch für Dich existier` ich nicht
Du siehst mich nicht mal an
Du bist der Grund warum ich lebe
Und jeden neuen Tag erfahr’
Doch für Dich existier` ich nicht
Du nimmst mich nicht mal wahr

Ich träum` mich täglich in Dein Leben
In Deine Welt hinein
Ich würd’ die ganze Welt durchqueren
Um bei Dir zu sein

Für mich bist Du der hellste Stern
Der den Weg zu wissen schien
Doch für Dich existier` ich nicht
Du bist so nah und doch so fern
Für mich bist Du der Untergang
Das Ende wo kein Anfang war
Doch für Dich existier’ ich nicht
Warum ich das nie sah?
(L'Ame Immortelle)

This is but my modest translation of L'Ame Immortelle's "In Dein Leben" from German (actually, not very exact one). I also tried to keep to the tune of the song and make some rhyme. And this is what came out...

For me you are the brightest sun,
That warms me when I'm cold inside,
Still for you I do not exist,
You never look into my eyes.
You are the reason why I live,
Enduring every waking day,
Still for you I do not exist,
And you don’t hear me pray…

I daily dream of me in your life,
Of entering your world,
And I would surely cross the earth
If you I could hold.

For me you are the gleaming star
That shines to help me find my path,
Still for you I do not exist
You are so near but yet so far…
For me you are the downfall,
The end of what could never start.
Still for you I do not exist,
Why can’t I rule my heart?!


Lamis said...

Wow! How many languages do you know?

Clandestine said...

It's easy to seem a polyglot with Lingvo! And this song wasn't too difficult to translate using it :) BTW, did you hear that song? It sounds very beautiful...

Lamis said...

Lingvo rules! :) think didn't hear anything in German besides Ramshtein, Tic Tak Toe and christmas songs (Tannen baum ect.), do you have link for this song? I liked "Egiptyanin" of picknic very much btw, thanks for sharing!

Clandestine said...

Wow, you liked "Egyptian"!!! :-)))
Ok, you can find L'ame on the same site
I also advise to listen to "Herzschlag" and "Dein Herz" (and of course, to the rest if you like these). And one more great song that I've heard recently, by Oomph! - a German band as well - feat. Sonja of L'Ame Immortelle: (The video is awesome!)
It's thanks to them and Tokio Hotel, that I began to like Deutsch :) But Rammstein were the first, that's for sure! ;)
Hope you'll tell me 'bout your impressions soon ^_^