Tuesday, December 12, 2006

To My Long-Forgotten Love...Or Not?..

What for? What was my fault?
What I did wrong again?
Why he's become so cold-
I just can't understand...

Fated to be ignored
By the only one I need;
I should ignore him too,
My heart should stop to bleed...

I must forbid myself
To talk to him again,
But that's the main desire
From which I can't refrain!

He won't appreciate
My dumb self-sacrifice;
I cannot change a thing,
I have to close my eyes...

He'll never keep his word
And promises he made,
He doesn't give a shit
How long I have to wait!

He cannot feel my pain
And cannot cry my tears,
Won't save me from the rain,
Won't take away my fears...

You love him, he maybe loves someone,
And you keep wondering in your mind:
Why do the deepest feelings
Never coincide?!


vankina said...

Понравилось, не слишком оптимистично, но правдиво...

Clandestine said...

Оптимистичных вещей я еще ни разу не писала. Никак не получается...(Разве что, может, в детстве).